PLEASE NOTE ENTRIES ARE LIMITED, ACCEPTED ON A FIRST IN FIRST SERVED BASIS. Male/Female*Please select..MaleFemalePlayer Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age Group*10 & U (Born on or after June 1st 2014)12 & U (Born on or after June 1st 2012)14 & U (Born on or after June 1st 2010)17 & U (Born on or after June 1st 2007)REQUEST TO PLAY UP AN AGE GROUP: Every player, whether entering in a team or as an individual, who would like to play in the age group above their own must also submit a request form to be approved by JTT management. This is not guaranteed and we will contact you to confirm. To play up an age group please click here to request permission.Grade*ABA Grade: For competitive players with tournament experience. B Grade: For players with limited or no tournament experience, or still building the ability to serve and rally confidently. If you are unsure about which grade to enter in, please feel free to contact JTT management. This is just a guide, players level will be confirmed at Grading Day (12 January 2025, from after 3pm - timeslots for each age group TBC) Nationality*Parent's Name* First Last Parent's Email Address* Parents Mobile Number*Would you like to manage your player's team?YesNoThis would only involve assisting with rostering and team communication, as there will be onsite coordinators for each tie.School*Please list past tennis experience/results/rankings*Have you participated in JTTL before?Yes, I have participated beforeNo, this is my first time participatingHow did you hear about JTTL?*Elsewhere online (eg. Google)ReferralInstagramFacebookEmailFlyer / PosterUFIT / Savitar StaffTennis Club (please specify)School (please specify)STA WebsiteOther (please specify)Please specify where you heard about JTTL*If you were referred by someone, please state the following (where applicable, for the purpose of Referral Rewards): FULL NAME OF REFERRER, EXISTING PLAYER'S FULL NAME, TEAM NAME OF REFERRERAdditional Comments/RequestsPlease include the names of any players you would like to play on the same team withPaymentCoupon Code JTTL Individual Registration Price: Total $ 0.00 Declaration, Release and IndemnityI certify that I have read the rules and regulations governing the participation of my child in the Junior Team Tennis league (JTTL). My child has no physical or medical condition, which, to my knowledge, would endanger him/her or others in the participation of the league, or would interfere with my child’s participation in competitive tennis. On behalf of my child, myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, I agree to waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims, direct or consequential, for personal injury or death, and/or for property damage, including claims concerning damage sustained by, but not limited to negligence, that may arise from my child's participation in the Junior Team Tennis League. By checking this box, I also indemnify The Junior Team Tennis League, organizers, their successors and assigns of said organizations, and the sponsors of the Junior Team Tennis League from any and all liability, claims and damages whatsoever that may arise from my child’s participation in the league. This release and indemnity is a contract with legal consequences. You are advised to read carefully before checking the box. I acknowledge that the organizers may take photographs or videos of players in the JTTL and I grant the organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming for use in printed and online media relating to the JTTL. I agree to the Terms of Service I consent to receiving marketing communications from our title sponsor Realstar*YesNoCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.