UFIT Tennis Mini Series by Savitar US OPEN SERIES, 27TH OCTOBER 2024. PLEASE NOTE ENTRIES ARE LIMITED, ACCEPTED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. Male/Female*Please select..MaleFemalePlayer Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age Group*Red Group: 5-7 yrsOrange Group: 7-8 yrsRED GROUP: 5 - 7 Years Old (2017 - 2019) *Players born in the year 2016 may be eligible to compete in all Red Ball tournaments up until their birthday (before they turn 8 years old). ORANGE GROUP: 7 - 8 Years Old (2016 - 2017) *Players born in the year 2015 may be eligible to compete in all Orange Ball tournaments up until their birthday (before they turn 9 years old).Grade*Grade 1Grade 2GRADE 1: For more experienced and competitive players with tournament experience . GRADE 2: For players with limited or no tournament experience, or still building the ability to rally confidently. NOTE: This is just to give us an indication of levels of players. The organisers have the discretion to move players between grades if deemed appropriate. Parent's Name* First Last Parent's Email Address* Parents Mobile Number*School*Tennis Ability Requirements* I have read and understood the eligibility requirements below Players must have had some form of tennis experience, such as club coaching or playing with parents. They need to be able to sustain some form of a rally. i.e. Hit 3 balls in a row and be able to drop a ball and hit over the net to start a point. They don’t need to be able to serve over arm.Please list past tennis experience/results/rankings*Have you participated in the mini series before?*Please select..Yes, I have participated beforeNo, this is my first time participatingHow did you hear about the UFIT Tennis Mini Series?*InstagramFacebookElsewhere online (eg. Google)EmailWord of mouthMagazine / ArticleFlyer / PosterUFIT / SavitarTennis Club (please specify)School (please specify)Other (please specify)Please specify where you heard about the UFIT Tennis Mini Series*Additional Comments/RequestsWithdrawal Clause* I have read and understood the withdrawal clause below There will be no refund given once payment has been made unless you withdraw at least 48hours prior, then you will receive 50% of the entry fee refunded.PaymentCoupon Code UFIT Tennis Mini Series Registration Price: UFIT Tennis Mini Series RegistrationTotal $ 0.00 Declaration, Release and Indemnity*I certify that I have read the rules and regulations governing the participation of my child in the UFIT Tennis Mini Series. My child has no physical or medical condition, which, to my knowledge, would endanger him/her or others in the participation of the series, or would interfere with my child’s participation in competitive tennis. On behalf of my child, myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, I agree to waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims, direct or consequential, for personal injury or death, and/or for property damage, including claims concerning damage sustained by, but not limited to negligence, that may arise from my child's participation in the UFIT Tennis Mini Series. By checking this box, I also indemnify the UFIT Tennis Mini Series, organizers, their successors and assigns of said organizations, and the sponsors of the UFIT Tennis Mini Series from any and all liability, claims and damages whatsoever that may arise from my child’s participation in the series. This release and indemnity is a contract with legal consequences. You are advised to read carefully before checking the box. I acknowledge that the organizers may take photographs or videos of players in the mini series and I grant the organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming for use in printed and online media relating to the UFIT Tennis Mini Series. I agree to the Terms of Service NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.